Champions of Scottish Rite!

As you go about your Masonic travels, you may come across a new role within the Districts in the Valley of Boston’s general geography. These thirteen districts now have a Scottish Rite Champion! A brother who is committed to serving these districts in a way that bolsters Scottish Rite Freemasonry as well as Blue Lodge Freemasonry. These brethren are also aimed towards sustaining the involment of Blue Lodge masons in any appendant body.
This is another additional resource for brethren in the Valley and should be viewed as such. These Champions are there to act as a point of reference for our entire Fraternity. They will be working with existing Scottish Rite Ambassadors for those Lodges that have this role filled. They will also be creating a network of brothers interested in serving the Rite and the Valley in their Mother Lodge within each district.  
These Champions will also act as a clearinghouse for appendant body information, helping to point brethren in the right direction as they take the next step in their Masonic journey. These Champions will assist districts in educating and guiding those brethren seeking further light, sharing best practices with the other champions and ultimately fostering a symbiotic relationship with each district.
If you use the rule of thumb that twenty percent of any year’s tally of new Master Masons is the number that enters Scottish Rite, the only way to help us all is to work with a singular message and effort in growing our Blue Lodge development. This is yet another program geared to do so. If you have interest in the program, seek out your District Champion and start the conversation.


© 2024 Scottish Rite Boston | 186 Tremont Street, Suite 705, Boston, MA 02111-1095 | (617) 426-8228 | All Rights Reserved
The Bodies of the Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Boston, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33°, of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose Grand East is in Lexington, Massachusetts.